For Employers
What is the difference between a staffing service and a temporary agency?
A staffing service is a business partner. Your focus should be on your core business or service. Ace Personnel can handle the non-core processes allowing you to remain focused, but giving you the resources and flexibility to take on most any challenge.
We work with you to motivate the flexible associates to achieve new levels of success. By utilizing our team to provide, retain and motivate a workforce of flexible associates, your company is able to remain focused on increasing productivity leading to greater profits.
What is the regional office concept?
Ace Personnel utilizes a regional office surrounded by a number of satellite offices, enabling us to attract applicants from every corner of the metropolitan area.
How do I place an order?
Simply call your account representative who can then access the applicant database. Ace Personnel accepts as many as 1,000 applications each month to ensure that we retain an available workforce to meet your needs.
What kind of support will I receive from a staffing service?
Our team is made up of: bilingual staffing managers, risk managers, production supervisors, retention specialists, and human resource professionals. Our team of professionals is available and ready to assist your company to achieve greater profitability.
What is the 3-Step Interview Process?
A staffing service provides an extra level of screening to ensure that clients receive the most qualified candidates. In addition to a variety of tests, each applicant completes a personal interview and two telephone interviews before reporting to work.
What is a flexible associate?
A flexible associate is an individual who will do whatever it takes to get the job done. The flexible associate is looking for an opportunity to prove their ability to your organization.
Where do you find a flexible associate?
Mostly through the classified ads of numerous publications, but also through the use of TV, radio, mini billboards and word of mouth. These and other innovative advertising methods attract many candidates, who are then screened via the nationally recognized 3-step interview process.
What would motivate a flexible associate to choose to work for Ace Personnel?
Numerous benefits and perks, but probably the personal recognition received and the opportunity to get their foot in the door of one of Kansas City’s most reputable companies.
How do we retain our flexible associates?
We don’t. Our client companies usually hire them after twelve weeks of service. However, we have many clients who only utilize our workforce to cover their seasonal needs. While most of our flexible associates are hired away by our clients, we also retain a number of individuals who choose to make a career of working for Ace Personnel.
How do you screen your flexible associates?
We want to make sure that you receive the most qualified candidates, so we use the 3 Step Interview Process. This provides an extra level of screening. In addition to a variety of tests, each applicant completes a personal interview and two telephone interviews before reporting to work. Ace Personnel can adapt the screening process for any position and any need.